I'm Back
Yes, it's been a terribly long time since I've posted anything to this blog, primarily due to my focus on my academic work (and the accompanying blog, Brain Can Hold. The garden lay fallow over the winter, with the exception of some beautiful rainbow chard and dinosaur kale plants that managed to winter over despite the mulitple freezes we had. It's been a cold, dry winter in California and we're expecting a hot, dry summer. To that effect, I'll be planting crops that are a little less water dependent this year. As much as I adore fresh corn, I probably won't do a huge stand of corn like I did last year (corn is incredibly thirsty stuff). I envision lots of dry farmed tomatoes, hardy greens, and multiple varieties of potatoes (which do very well in my garden), and a heavy coating of OFSA (organic farming soil amendment, a mixture of rice hulls and chicken manure which makes for an incredible mulch as well as fertilizer) over it all.
I'm very much on a personal, spiritual, physical, and creative journey right now, almost a quest of sorts, and the garden is very tied into that consciously. So I expect my writings here to more introspective this year -- more about the thoughts and contemplations that the garden brings to my mind when I am out there digging in the soil and tending the plants, and less about the crops themselves, although there will plenty of pictures!
More soon...
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